Namaste everyone.
Please accept our sincere gratitude to all the many volunteers and participants who made this year’s annual Multi Kund such a memorable and successful event. The tent was secure against the wind and the sun played hide and seek with the rain, all of which made for near perfect conditions, the rain cooled the heat and showered blessings on earth. The kitchen team as usual prepared a sumptuous meal. We could not have asked for better, except that next year and every year after we all continue to encourage the younger generation to make this an annual family event.
WE sincerely thank you for all your generous donations, they will go a long way to the upkeep and operations of TAS. CRA approved receipts that were not issued on site will be mailed out no later than Friday, June 28th. Please free to let us know if you do not receive your receipt by Tuesday July 2nd. the latest.
We invite you to visit this TAS website at as often as you can for updates, events and additional information and some pictures of the Multi Kund Havan event to be posted soon. WE also welcome your suggestions for improvement. Please free to send them to the only valid e mail address ( please note it is .org not .ca or .com or .aol)
Yours in service
Doodie Ross – Chairman of the Multi Kund planning committee